Walbusch B5
(Black Version)

For a few years this was my only Gap Adjustable Slant razor.
Its as though they mated a Walbusch B3 with a Merkur Progress and awesomness is what popped out. It was patented in 1937, so it goes back to just before WW2 and pre-dates the Merkur Progress.
Its a Humpback slant so the blade is not twisted. I believe that the handle is Silver plated. The adjuster knob is interchangable with the one from the shorter Merkur Progress
The one in the third and forth images below is a recent addition. The black on the handle is patina and I have decided to keep it like that for the time been (afterall - its easy for me to polish it off but took years to form)
The razor itself has seen very little use.


Walbusch Black B5 Walbusch Black B5 Walbusch Black B5
Walbusch Black B5
How does it shave?
One word - AWESOME.
The edges on the one in the pictures has a few flea bites but it doesn't seem to matter. I can throw any blade into it - its not fussy. Its such an easy shaver and by far my best shaving slant, so it gets used pretty frequently
If Merkur were to re-introduce it, I personally believe that it would be an instant success.

Walbusch B5 Black SOTD Walbusch B5 Black SOTD