Firstly - No thats not it's name, I have no idea what brand of razor it is.
What we do know is that its "Made in France" and its a Flip Plate razor and after playing around in Google Translate, "Rasoir a Plaque Inversee" sounded pretty cool.
The only markings that are on the razor are "MADE IN FRANCE" and "MODEL E DEPOSE" (Translated DEPOSITED MODEL), both in a circular patern around the centre post of the Minus side.
Its bakelite, so its very light. The less aggressive side has a smooth safety edge, The more aggressive side's edge has small ridges and also clamp the blade a little more. They also came in a variety of dark colours.
The Repair
When this bakelite French razor arrived, I couldn't use it because it will not tighten up, so either the thread in the handle was stripped or the one on the Top Cap was. (Image 1)
After some fiddling around, I established that the thread in the handle was the problem. The thread on the top cap is great. (Image 2)
I drilled and tapped a piece of brass rod to confirm my theory. (Image 3)
I now needed to fix the problem part. I had to remove the piece of brass in the handle and I didn't want to mark the handle so I covered it with insulation tape. (image 4)
That then went into the lathe to be drilled. (Image 5)
I then put the threaded piece of brass in image 3 back into the lathe and turned it down to match the hole that I drilled in the handle. I'm purposefully left it rough because it should help with holding it in the handle. (Image 6)
Before I put the piece of brass in the handle I confirmed my theory again. Its a bit late but confirming it still gives me the warm fuzzies!! (Image 7)
I then epoxyied the piece of brass into the handle. (Image 8)
The repaired handle on the razor head. At this point it wasn't been tightened because the epoxy needed 24 hours to cure. I reckon - as good as new! (Image 9)