Schick Injector
Version 4 (Shutable)

These were produced from about 1980 to about 1984, so in the Patrick Frawley era. There are two versions each with a slightly different handle, this is the later version and was manufactured between 1982 and 1984.
It has an ingenious "Shut Off" feature which just pushes the guard upwards. Other than a travel razor, I don't see any reason for it but I do like it. IMHO - It's too long to be a travel razor.
It has no metallic insert in the handle and its handle is grey as opposed to black.

Type M Shutable Type M Shutable Type M Shutable
Type M Shutable Type M Shutable
How does it shave?
I find it a very mild shaver low down and on the higher settings it is very effecient with little to no blade feel.

Type M Shutable SOTD Type M Shutable SOTD