Barbaros and Rocnel

This is really the start of the legend that is Rocnel. It was a collaboration between Barbaros and Rocnel and let loose on us in late 2016.
Its made of 316L Stainless Steel, and I believe the first adjustable razor made in stainless steel. It's big, chunky and heavy which is typical Rocnel. The adjustment mechanism is similar to the Merkur 800 series and is "continually" adjustable. It was designed to be used with a Feather blade and adjusts from Mild to Aggressive. The thread is the "almost industry standard" M5 so in theory most handles will work.


Barbaros and Rocnel Barbaros and Rocnel Barbaros and Rocnel
How does it shave?
Its a great shaver, and a fair bit less aggressive than the subsequent Sailors.

B and R SOTD B and R SOTD B and R SOTD