Rocnel Sailor
Gen 3 (2019)

This is Rocnels third Sailor. A couple of words to describe it - Big, Chunky, Blocky, Heavy, and Hyper-Effecient.
There were supposedly only a 100 made and they were sold out pretty quickly considering the price. The first ones were sent out in late 2019.
Adjustability starts at Medium and goes WAY up from there to wild and easily sits in the top 5 of my most aggressive razors. I don't find it a mindless razor, I need to take my time so it only gets used if I know that there is no rush.


Sailor 2019 Sailor 2019 Sailor 2019
Sailor 2019 Sailor 2019
How does it shave?
I find this to be an aggressive razor. A two pass BBS is easily within its capabilities.

Sailor 2019 sotd Sailor 2019 sotd Sailor 2019 sotd