This is Rockwells entry into the one piece market. Its pretty much a Gillette Adjustable clone except that its continually adjustable.
They launched a Kickstarter campaign and after the success of the 6-series, this was an very easy sell. There were delays after delays and eventually when the first batch was released the reviews were generally bad. There were finish and blade alignment complaints.
I didn't take part in the Kickstarter campaign and initially wasn't really interested in getting one, but eventually changed my mind (I also wanted to see what the fuss was about).
This one is someones "disappointment", but actually has no alignment or finish issues. The only issue that I had with it is that the adjuster dial was way too stiff to begin with, so much so that I didn't change it during a shave. It has loosened up substantially since and changing settings during a shave is now possible.
They have since launched a second version.