Merkur Progress 830

This Progress dates back to the mid 1950's and came in two versions, either a 800 or 830 depending on packaging. This particular one came in a cardboard box so is the 830 version (also stamped on the box).

Its a three piece with a 'Top Dial". The whole handle is the "Adjustment Dial". Its made of Pollopas which is similar to bakelite. As can be seen in the middle picture of the bottom row, it has the typical Progress lather chanel.
At some point in the early 1960's, Merkur must have taken the decision to move away from Pollopas, I guess because it's pretty brittle. I'm also pretty sure that if you drop it, it will crack and I guess most of them met their fate that way because they are not easy to find.

The first image below shows everything that came with it, the instructions and the little tag with the Merkur logo on it. There were also 3 vintage Merkur blades in the box with what I think are the blade thicknesses marked on them (0.06, 0.08 & 0.10).


Merkur Progress 830 Merkur Progress 830 Merkur Progress 830
Merkur Progress 830 Merkur Progress 830 Merkur Progress 830
How does it shave?
I guess that I'm more used to a Progress than I realise because I found the weight a little off. It feels top heavy. I also think that I probably applied a bit more pressure than I would normally, which is typical for me and light razors.
Other than that its a typical Progress shave, which I find great.

Progress 830 SOTD Progress 830 SOTD