When Merkur started offering adjustable razors, they offered them in a variety of versions.
This is the 580. Its an All Gold Plated Two piece razor. They came in a leather case and this case is labelled Hoffritz.
It has the "Merkur" lather channel except that the base is made out of a (brittle) plastic called Pollopas. Unfortunately it won't see much use because the pollopas has cracked on both the adjuster knob and the base. The base is also slightly warped. Merkur stopped offering the Pollopas versions in the early to mid 1960's.
The adjustment dial on all the "Progress" type razors of that era, all started on "0" and were paint filled in Red as can be seen in the last image below.
I believe that the blade banks are also Pollopas, but these are empty.
There was a 510 which was the same razor but with with Pollopas case. (See HERE)