Ikon SBS

The Ikon SBS is pretty much a Tradere on steroids
Its a Flip Plate with a differentiial Open Comb/Solid Bar head. It appears that Ikon started developing these in early 2014 and finally released them in July 2015. They were made of "highly polished" brass and sold without a handle.
With two different blade gaps and a differential head - it was advertised as Four Razors in One. There was only ever one run as they were issued with a "Cease and Desist" order by Rockwell. Ikon has never released how many were manufactured.

I turned it, it's own locking handle as to add a little versatility, but because the blade lies pretty flat the adjustability is limited to less than a full turn. It's a sort of combo of a Tradere handle and one of Ikons.
The base plate has "IKON" engraved on one side and "SBS" on the other. The "IKON UP" side is the more aggressive.


Ikon SBS 01 Ikon SBS 02 Ikon SBS 03
Ikon SBS 04
How does it shave?
First shave with it, I used it on the less aggressive side and found it to be a pretty mild shaver. When I opened the locking handle about a half turn for the ATG pass, it got a lot better but on the SBS side up, I found it to be bearly a BBS shaver. I can't really say that I found any preference in the OC vs the SB sides.
Been a 4 in 1 Shaver - it definitely needs a revisit using the other side.

Ikon SBS SOTD 01