Triton R3

The Tritons were also manufactured by VEB Feintechnik Eisfeld.

They changed the adjustment mechanism from the top loaded spring plate of the Brillant to something similar to the Gillettes where the adjuster tray sits under the base plate. This plate is spring loaded and pushes the blade up against the doors.
The TTO knob does double duty as opening the razor and as the adjustment dial. The spring loaded plate keeps the blade against the underside of the doors, again a very simple yet effective system. There are no markings on the TTO knob making repeatability a bit of a hit and miss affair.

Its carry case is the same as the Brillant and came with a tuck of Triton R3 branded blades.

They don't seem to be particularly well made. The doors are thin and tinny and other than the base plate, the rest of the razor is plastic.
According to what I have read online, they were pricy for the DDR and as a result there were not many sold. Couple that to the fact that a lot of East German products landed on scrap heaps after the fall of the wall and there are no markings at all on the razor, they are not too easy to find. I guess that's why their nickname on German shaving forums is "Das Phantom"


Triton R3 Triton R3 Triton R3
Triton R3 Triton R3 Triton R3
How does it shave?
Its the best of the DDR shavers and goes from Mild to low aggression.
Take my note of my "Repeatability" comment above.

Triton R3 SOTD Triton R3 SOTD