Erfa Rasant - Gen 5

I believe this to be the fifth generation
The TopCap is brass and the rest of it (except the replaced shaft of the twist knob) is aluminium. The handle remained the same and there were a number of changes to the head. The first was a change in the adjuster plate. This one is pressed aluminium as opposed a casting and is a lot thinner. The edges of the safety bars have fine ridges and the TopCap is the same shape as the Gen 4 but is made of brass and has a longer shaft. The last change was that they removed the last two holes underneath the bottom plate.
I'm also pretty sure that it would have also had a "hammered" finish on the zamak base plate and the topcap would have been chrome plated, but this is how I received it. It definitely has seen a lifetime of shaves.

I have left it as a three piece, but in the third image below, I have shown it as how it would have come from the manufacturer.
Again, I'm not sure why they put alignment dots on the TopCap and Base Plate when there are no graduations on the twist knob. (See the fourth image below)

Erfa Rasant Gen 5 Erfa Rasant Gen 5 Erfa Rasant Gen 5
Erfa Rasant Gen 5
Erfa Rasant Gen 5 Erfa Rasant Gen 5 Erfa Rasant Gen 5
How does it shave?
Approximate setting for setting, I find it slightly milder than the other Erfa's, which makes sense when you look at the thinner adjuster plate. Its still a very good shaver.

Erfa Rasant Gen 5 Erfa Rasant Gen 5
When I bought this Efra I was told that it was in great condition. The pictures tell another story. I had it quite a while before this repair, but had only used it once because it could never adjust. It bearly held a blade in place.

Its a two-piece so I drilled the two little aluminium pins holding the twist knob in place and the first image below is what I found. The top of the shaft of the twist knob was coroded away and thats why the topcap was just been held by a single thread.

I initally thought about re-doing the shaft in aluminium but at the last moment I changed my mind and opted for brass instead.
I turned a new shaft following the dimensions of the old one. I also tapped both sides of it, the "front" to suit the thread on the top cap.
I then cut off the old shaft and was left with just the adjuster knob, which I then drilled and tapped to suit the "bottom" side of the new shaft. (Second image below)

Time to re-assemble.
First, I Loktited the new shaft into the adjuster knob.
While I was turning the new shaft, I decided that I was going to keep it a three-piece, but I had the "unsightly" holes which I drilled to dismantle it. I filled them with J-B Weld which sort of matches the colour of the handle.
The drill bit in the handle was just there to keep the J-B Weld from seeping into the inside of the handle. It was the closest match to the size inside of the handle that I could find and a while after taking the photo, I removed it. If at some point in the future I decide that it should be a two-piece again, it will be easy to do. (Third image below)

I left it for the 24Hours that the JB Weld and Loctite needed to cure.
The last image below shows it all assembled.

Erfa Rasant Gen 5 Erfa Rasant Gen 5 Erfa Rasant Gen 5
Erfa Rasant Gen 5