If my logic is correct - this is the fourth generation version.
It's still a two piece.
They kept the base plate but changed the handle. The plastic twist knob is gone and was replaced with an aluminium version but it no longer has any markings. The adjuster plate remains the same but the topcap is slightly different in that they got rid of the little side indentations and in doing so it now covers the tabs of the blade. The handle is about 3mm longer.
The handle, the bottom plate and the middle plate, also feel light, so again I assume Aluminium. This TopCap has a bit of plate loss and we can see that it is Zamak.
An anomaly is that there are no indicators on the twist knob but alignment indicators on the top cap and base plate. I'm not sure why you would do that. There is an indicator on the handle but as I indicated, I believe that its main purpose is to keep the twist knob in place.
It's "continually" adjustable - so has no notches.